An article about President Abraham Lincoln issuing the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on 22 September 1862, to free the Confederacy’s slaves... (Read More)
I was reading an article in Reader’s Digest by Brandon Specktor (“Unlikely Legacies of U.S. Presidents.” Reader’s Digest November 2015, pages 176-182) that credits Abraham Lincoln’s dog Fido as the poster dog that made that name “synonymous with the family pooch” across the country. I wondered how common Fido had been as a dog’s... (Read More)
An article about President Lincoln delivering the two-minute “Gettysburg Address” on 19 November 1863, one of the greatest speeches in American history... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips searches old newspapers to see how the news of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination was reported in the nation’s newspapers... (Read More)
Introduction: Gena Philibert-Ortega is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen.” In this guest blog post—in honor of today being Presidents’ Day—Gena searches old newspapers to find amazing stories about people who were still alive in the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s who had met Abraham Lincoln. Did your ancestor meet... (Read More)
Learn more about the life of the legendary American President Abraham Lincoln. Discover the genealogy of his family tree and read facts about his life... (Read More)