President James K. Polk died June 15, 1845. GenealogyBank let’s you read the newspapers when he was elected and the accounts of his death. (Macon Telegraph – 19 June 1845) Whether you want to read about the lives of the Presidents or your ancestors – GenealogyBank has the best coverage – 1690 to Today.... (Read More)
Newspapers are packed with the stories documenting our ancestors. Thankful Taylor of Murfreesboro, TN had quite a story to tell her grandchildren. Her story appeared in the Inter-Ocean (13 July 1874) and the Indianapolis Sentinel (10 July 1874). Here is just the first few paragraphs from the Inter-Ocean (13 July 1874). Click on the... (Read More)
Happy Mother’s Day! Clementine (Robicheaux) Breaux, the widow of Paul Breaux, must have set a record. As of March 19, 1915 – she was still going strong at age 110 – the mother of 13 children and the matriarch of more than 1,000 descendants born in her lifetime. She lived in... (Read More)