Mayflower Descendants: Who’s Who, Part 34
By Melissa Berry on June 20, 2023
In this article, Melissa Davenport Berry continues her series on Mayflower descendants, focusing on the Turner and Case family lines... (Read More)
In this article, Melissa Davenport Berry continues her series on Mayflower descendants, focusing on the Turner and Case family lines... (Read More)
Introduction: Mary Harrell-Sesniak is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background. In this guest blog post, Mary explains how research on her ancestor led her to investigate if Horace Greeley really said “Go West young man.” Whether your forebears have roots to the Mayflower, settlements on the western frontier, or Ellis... (Read More)
These early Philadelphia (PA) deaths were recorded in the Public Ledger, an early Philadelphia newspaper. Click on the links in the index citations to read each person’s obituary.Public Ledger. 25 Mar 1836Eure, Jonas. (-1836)Hendel, William B. (-1836) McClaskey, James. (1775-1836)Talcott, Samuel Austin (1789-1836)Taynton, Luther. (1791-1836)Townsend, Edwin. (1832-1836)Townsend, Maria. (1833-1836)Public Ledger. 26 Mar 1836Wooldridge, Jane.... (Read More)
The Genealogy Center of the Allen County Library (Ft. Wyane, IN) has received a $10 million gift from the Edward D. and Ione Auer Foundation. The funds will be given to the library as $1 million payments each year over 10 years. The announcement is in the Ft Wayne News Sentinnel 1 August 2008... (Read More)
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