Christmases Past: What Toys Did They Wish For?
By Gena Philibert-Ortega on December 18, 2023
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega searches old newspapers to find ads for toys, to see what was popular in past Christmases... (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega searches old newspapers to find ads for toys, to see what was popular in past Christmases... (Read More)
In honor of Sept. 16 being National Play-Doh Day, Gena Philibert-Ortega writes about the history of this popular modeling clay for children... (Read More)
Spurred by the success of the new “Barbie” movie, Gena Philibert-Ortega reminisces about homemade Barbie clothes she and her friends enjoyed... (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega suggests a topic to promote discussion and record family memories during the holidays: your favorite Christmas gift... (Read More)
Jessica Edwards writes about the pastimes and toys our ancestors enjoyed when they were children, focusing on games that start with the letter “D," Part 1... (Read More)
Jessica Edwards writes about the pastimes and toys our ancestors enjoyed when they were children, focusing on games that start with the letter “C," Part 2... (Read More)
Jessica Edwards writes about the pastimes and toys our ancestors enjoyed when they were children, focusing on games that start with the letter “C," Part 1... (Read More)
Jessica Edwards writes about the pastimes and toys our ancestors enjoyed when they were children, focusing on games that start with the letter “B," Part 2... (Read More)
Jessica Edwards writes about the pastimes and toys our ancestors enjoyed when they were children, focusing on games that start with the letter “B," Part 1... (Read More)