Mormons Open a Records Preservation Center in Mexico
By Thomas Jay Kemp on May 4, 2017
An article about the Mormon Church opening its Mexico City Records Preservation Center to preserve old genealogical records... (Read More)
An article about the Mormon Church opening its Mexico City Records Preservation Center to preserve old genealogical records... (Read More)
FamilySearch International (FamilySearch.org) and GenealogyBank (GenealogyBank.com) today announced an agreement to make over a billion records from historical obituaries searchable online. It will be the largest—and perhaps most significant—online U.S. historical records access initiative yet. Find out more at: https://www.genealogybank.com/family-search/ The tremendous undertaking will make a billion records from over 100 million U.S. newspaper... (Read More)
In time for the 2012 election countdown, I recently did some genealogy research to learn more about the background of both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, and guess what—they’re related! What’s more: they’re also related to several former U.S. presidents, English kings, outlaws and celebrities. This is really huge! So huge in... (Read More)