Joel Munsell was an active genealogist, publisher, printer and journalist. He’s always been one of my “heroes” for his legendary contributions to genealogy and local history. (Photo – Munselle’s Picassa Gallery) I was looking on GenealogyBank and found his marriage to Jane Caroline Bigelow (1812-1854) 17 June 1834 Independent Inquirer 28 Jun 1834 ... (Read More)
GenealogyBank – is an online library of resources – millions of them. Like a library it has an index – in our case an index on every word making it easy to find references in each of the issues of the newspapers, books etc. It has over 1 billion names. (Illustration: Wikipedia Commons) Documenting... (Read More)
Newspaper articles can tell us about our ancestors and also the details of the cemeteries where they were buried. “English names often startled us as we walked through the alleys of tombstones…” (Photo: Craig Patik, 2000) I found this article giving a detailed tour of the Père Lachaise Cemetery (Cimetière du Père-Lachaise) written in... (Read More)
I am often asked: Do you have Canadian newspapers in GenealogyBank? Well, no we don’t – but that’s not the question you want to ask. GenealogyBank has over 3,800 newspapers – all of them published in the United States – but it has several million articles, records and documents on Canadians. Tip: I have... (Read More)
I was alerted to John Fuller’s passing by DearMYRTLE. Others in the genealogy community have sent me items to include in writing about him. His complete obituary will be posted later this weekend. John Fuller was well known in the genealogy community for his landmark website – Genealogy Resources on the Internet – that... (Read More)
The London Daily Telegraph (9 June 2009) is reporting that it was John Moffat, an RAF pilot, who dropped the torpedo that led to the sinking of the Bismarck on May 28, 1941. (Click here to read the entire article Dallas Morning News 31 May 1941). The sinking of the Bismarck is a powerful... (Read More)
An Irish student’s fake quote on Wikipedia has been used in newspaper obituaries around the world.Like putting a note in a bottle, Shane Fitzgerald, 22, a student studying sociology and economics at University College, Dublin wanted to see how far his fake quote would spread – on the Internet. According to the Australian (7... (Read More)
DeciplesWorld is reporting that “the Nashville-based Disciples of Christ Historical Society suffered severe water damage the last weekend of April when what the organization believes was a faulty valve in the heating and air-conditioning system allowed gallons of water to pour from top to bottom of the half-century-old Thomas W. Phillips Memorial Archives that... (Read More)
“Family Historian” Susan Boyle wows them on UK “Idol” TV Show! Susan Boyle is the woman with a dream that lives in Blackburn, in West Lothian near Edinburgh – a short distance from East Lothian, Scotland where my Kemp family hails from. Now 47, she lives at home with her cat Pebbles. All her... (Read More)