It is easy to find copies of your Georgia ancestors’ marriage certificates and records using two basic online genealogy tools: and If your ancestors lived in Georgia, let’s see how we can find information about them. has put Georgia marriage records from 1785 to 1950 online. You may search for these... (Read More)
With GenealogyBank adding more records at the rate of 10 documents a second, we hear from genealogists every day sharing their excitement about their family history discoveries. Here is a genealogy research success story we received today from GenealogyBank member Michele Lewis. Michele wrote us: Here is a newspaper success story for you. My... (Read More) has over 7,000 funeral sermons – full text digital copies and excerpts. These are a core source for genealogists searching for the details of their ancestor’s lives in Colonial America and the early Federalist period. (Photo, Ian Britton. It was common in Colonial America to have a funeral sermon printed and distributed... (Read More)