This is a typical newspaper obituary. It gives the usual genealogical information, including her name (Ella M. Crofoot), age, & date and place of birth. I could easily transcribe this information and move onto the next obituary search to find information on more relatives in my family tree– but that would be a mistake.... (Read More)
Eugenie Caroline Kemp (1842-1845) was only three years old when she died – and until recently, I didn’t even know she had existed. I discovered her when I was doing a search in GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives about one of my ancestors. I was searching for information about Rufus Crosby Kemp (1813-1856). My research... (Read More)
I knew my ancestor William Kemp had come to America – but I didn’t know anything about the trip itself. What was it like for him as an immigrant traveling by passenger ship across the ocean to the new frontier? Could GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives help me find the answer? I knew that William... (Read More)
I think I’ve discovered two relatives I never knew existed – in the city where I grew up! I’ve been doing Genealogy for a long time and thought I had “met” them all at one point or another, and then I came across this old newspaper article. In May of 1929, employees from the... (Read More)
Here’s a tip for your family history research: Use old photos of your ancestors to generate family stories. Start the Conversation This past weekend I took this old family photo off the wall to scan it and add it to my family history collection online. It shows my great-grandparents John and Mary (Brown) Kemp... (Read More)
I am always looking at Kemps, wanting to know if they are related to me or not. Since Kemp is a pretty rare surname, I like to pull recent “Kemp” obituaries and trace back their family line to see if the person is a relative of mine. If he is—terrific; I’ll add his line... (Read More)
Maybe you have an old cedar chest, or other large object, as one of your prized family heirlooms. We have an old chest that was owned by my grandmother, Adelaide Mildred (Wright) Kemp (1893-1949), and it was said that it had been passed down to her mother, Ida Estelle (Smith) Wright (1873-1963). Now if... (Read More)
GenealogyBank has really been great for finding the personal stories of each family member. I have been systematically going through the old newspapers looking for my Revolutionary War ancestors, and the other day I decided to look for my more recent ancestors and cousins. A quick search found this article. The historical newspaper article... (Read More)
Let’s make 2014 the Year of the Tree: family trees. I encourage you to plant new family trees every month in this New Year. Like you, growing my family tree and documenting each person in it keeps me busy. More and more information is constantly going online for us to search and add to... (Read More)