Introduction: Duncan Kuehn is a professional genealogist with over eight years of client experience. She has worked on several well-known projects, such as “Who Do You Think You Are?” and researching President Barack Obama’s ancestry. In this guest blog post, Duncan discusses the availability of genealogy records in various regions of the U.S. She... (Read More)
Scott Phillips looks up news stories in old newspapers to learn more about these three famous entertainers who died this week in American history... (Read More)
The large genealogy collection at the Allen County Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, was featured in a recent article in the News-Sentinel (Ft. Wayne, Indiana), 14 August 2013. If you are a Hoosier and have never visited the Allen County family history library in Ft. Wayne, read this recent news article that describes how... (Read More)
Q:The person I’m searching for is James Francis Fewster b.1867. I know that there was an article published about him in the Baltimore Sun – 12 August 1889 – but I can’t find it. What am I doing wrong? When I browse GenealogyBank I find NOTHING – but I know this article exists. Please... (Read More)
Breaking News: The Federation of Genealogical Societies has announced that Archivist of the US David Ferriero, will be speaking at the annual FGS Conference – on Wednesday August 18th in Knoxville, TN. He will be the luncheon speaker at the Focus on Societies Luncheon. His topic will be The Citizen-Archivist. He will also speak... (Read More)
Genealogists rely on multiple sources to document a family tree. One source does not give all of the facts – so researchers must look at multiple family history records to gather the details for each family. For example – James Edwin Ayres (1817-1893) and his wife Ann (Ford) Ayres (1817-1901) are listed... (Read More)
“Bloody News – This town has been in a Continental Alarm since Mid-day ….. the attack began at Lexington (about 12 miles from Boston) by the regular troops, the 18th Infantry before sunrise…From thence they proceeded to Concord where they made a general attack…”Stirring news – as gripping as a bulletin on TV. Thanks... (Read More)
We hear from GenealogyBank researchers all the time about their success in finding their family in historical newspapers and documents. Do you have an interesting story to tell?Would you be willing to be interviewed about it?If so, please contact me directly at: We want to hear from you. Here is what others have... (Read More)
Read the news as it happened. You can easily find the back stories of your family or celebrities – it is all in GenealogyBank. GenealogyBank has over 9,000 articles about Michael Jackson. Like this article from the 3 July 1995 issue of the Afro-American Gazette where Michael Jackson tells his own history.... (Read More)