On This Day: U.S. Declared War on Germany in WWI
By Tony Pettinato on April 6, 2020
An article about the U.S. declaring war on Germany during World War I, on 6 April 1917... (Read More)
An article about the U.S. declaring war on Germany during World War I, on 6 April 1917... (Read More)
An article about President Woodrow Wilson asking Congress to declare a state of war with Germany on 2 April 1917, entering the U.S. into WWI... (Read More)
Does your family take part in any German holiday traditions? Find out if these traditions can be traced back to your ancestors! .. (Read More)
The Word of God has been known to save the lives of many on a daily basis. And then there is John Brotherton, 1729-1809 (MD4H-4T5). The Bible saved his life – literally. In the mid-1700s Brotherton was in fierce hand-to-hand combat when a bayonet pierced through his belt, several layers of clothing, and 52... (Read More)
Introduction: Duncan Kuehn is a professional genealogist with over eight years of client experience. She has worked on several well-known projects, such as “Who Do You Think You Are?” and researching President Barack Obama’s ancestry. In this blog post, Duncan shows some of soccer’s most famous and infamous moments from previous World Cups, as... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips commemorates V-E Day—the day Nazi Germany surrendered in WWII—and reminisces about his father’s involvement in the war... (Read More)
Introduction: Mary Harrell-Sesniak is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background. In this guest blog post, Mary shows some of the unique historical maps that can be found in old newspapers, and proposes a fun “gencaching” game to find more of these maps. Some of the greatest tools of genealogical research... (Read More)
Have you tried a genetic DNA study as an approach to learning more about your family history? If so, have you made family connections that you wouldn’t have found otherwise? It is essential that you participate in a DNA study as soon as possible. Doing so will save time, and give you a clearer... (Read More)
The London Daily Telegraph (9 June 2009) is reporting that it was John Moffat, an RAF pilot, who dropped the torpedo that led to the sinking of the Bismarck on May 28, 1941. (Click here to read the entire article Dallas Morning News 31 May 1941). The sinking of the Bismarck is a powerful... (Read More)