When researching your family history, it can be very difficult to find information about women in the early 19th Century—finding genealogical resources that actually give women’s names and family details is challenging. It was common in the 19th Century for newspapers and government records to be brief and give only the basic information about... (Read More)
Breaking News! The National Archives of Ireland has just put the complete Irish 1901 Census online. More Irish genealogy resources: GenealogyBank – is packed with Irish American newspapers as well as birth announcements, marriage notices and obituaries. GenealogyBank keeps on growing. Search it now!.. (Read More)
I was alerted to John Fuller’s passing by DearMYRTLE. Others in the genealogy community have sent me items to include in writing about him. His complete obituary will be posted later this weekend. John Fuller was well known in the genealogy community for his landmark website – Genealogy Resources on the Internet – that... (Read More)
Hi Tom, I really do need to share with you GenealogyBank‘s latest contribution to my family history research! I really do love GenealogyBank. Without it, I would not know about the accident that caused the death of my grandmother’s youngest brother. Nor would I have known when it occurred. Nor would I have found... (Read More)