Strange but True: The Cuyahoga River Caught Fire!
By Tony Pettinato on June 22, 2017
An article about an environmental wake-up call to the nation when the heavily polluted Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire on 22 June 1969... (Read More)
An article about an environmental wake-up call to the nation when the heavily polluted Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire on 22 June 1969... (Read More)
Introduction: Scott Phillips is a genealogical historian and owner of Onward To Our Past® genealogy services. In this guest blog post, Scott researches old newspapers to find out more about Woodland Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio where many of his relatives are buried. Historical newspapers are incredibly helpful in our genealogy research, especially obituaries that... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips shows how old newspapers helped him break through a genealogy brick wall that had stumped him for years.. (Read More)
Scott Phillips looks up news stories in old newspapers to learn more about these three famous entertainers who died this week in American history... (Read More)
Scott Phillips explains how he adds the “5 Ws” (Who, What, When, Where & Why) of newspaper journalism to enliven his family history research... (Read More)
It was a happy day in 1914 when Clevelanders learned that a cache of old city photos had been found. A photograph, after all, is worth a thousand words—and these old Cleveland, Ohio, photographs told quite a story about the city’s development. This massive collection of more than 5,000 negatives had been taken over... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips hears some interesting family stories from his 93-year-old mother and digs into old newspapers to learn more... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips explains why newspapers’ use of the “5 Ws” is tremendously helpful to genealogists.. (Read More)
Introduction: In this article, Scott Phillips tells how he got his grandsons interested in genealogy by enhancing his family stories with articles from old newspapers. Scott is a genealogical historian and owner of Onward To Our Past® genealogy services. When I was growing up, I was blessed to be in a family that told... (Read More)