Genealogy Tips: Debunking Myths about Cemetery Research
By Gena Philibert-Ortega on September 20, 2016
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega shows some steps to take when researching cemeteries to learn more about your ancestors. .. (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega shows some steps to take when researching cemeteries to learn more about your ancestors. .. (Read More)
A review of Glenn A. Knoblock’s book “African American Historic Burial Grounds and Gravesites of New England.”.. (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega searches old newspapers to uncover eerie stories of ghostly sightings at some of America’s oldest cemeteries... (Read More)
Like many historic cemeteries, the Herrin City Cemetery in Herrin, Illinois, is trying to document all of the persons buried in the cemetery. So far their efforts have uncovered “89 previously unknown burial sites.” Good work! Are you working on a cemetery project this summer? If you are, here’s a cemetery research tip. Genealogy... (Read More)
Are you looking to revitalize your genealogical society in 2015? Looking for a project that will make a landmark contribution to family history with strong appeal to the members of your society? Pay it forward and document a local cemetery in your area—and put that information online. Make it a team effort to record... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips explains how he augments his genealogy research: visiting the cemeteries and recording the grave sites of his ancestors... (Read More)
Explore these humorous epitaphs of famous people as well as the every day Joe. Put your knowledge to the test with our epitaphs quiz!.. (Read More)
Military cemeteries traditionally have a uniform look: clean, unadorned, orderly. The appearance of the military crosses was immortalized in the lines of the poem “In Flanders Fields,” written by Canadian John McCrae during WWI on 3 May 1915: In Flanders fields the poppies grow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place;... (Read More)
A few weeks ago I wrote about online cemetery records (See: Top Genealogy Websites, Pt. 3: Burial & Cemetery Records). In that article I wrote about the U.S. Veterans Administration’s Nationwide Gravesite Locator, Find-A-Grave, and BillionGraves. Now I want to show how you can help your family history research by using information from these... (Read More)