Oliver Cromwell was no ordinary soldier of the American Revolution. This military hero’s discharge was signed by General George Washington “stating that he was entitled to wear the badges of honor by reason of his honorable services.” Cromwell’s story first appeared in a newspaper interview conducted when he was 100 years old by a... (Read More)
With its large collections of newspapers, historical books and documents, and government records, GenealogyBank provides a wealth of genealogical resources to help you research your family history. One handy genealogy resource in GenealogyBank is the register of Revolutionary War Burials. The Daughters of the American Revolution issued a report every year of the burial... (Read More)
Read the news as it happened. You can easily find the back stories of your family or celebrities – it is all in GenealogyBank. GenealogyBank has over 9,000 articles about Michael Jackson. Like this article from the 3 July 1995 issue of the Afro-American Gazette where Michael Jackson tells his own history.... (Read More)
(CNN Photo of a slave cabin) CNN has produced Tracking Michelle Obama’s slave roots – a video tour of Friendfield Plantation in Georgetown, South Carolina – where Michelle Obama’s 2nd Great-Grandfather James Robinson was a slave. At least one President has been to Friendfield Plantation – in 1894 President Grover Cleveland hunted there. Read... (Read More)
Get the most out of GenealogyBank! The annual reports of the DAR – Daughters of the American Revolution are in GenealogyBank. They were published annually as part of the US Serial Set. I didn’t know that was in GenealogyBank! One of the important contributions that the DAR has made over the past 119 years... (Read More)