We wish all of you the very best! It has been a wonderful year for us here at GenealogyBank. Everyday we receive notes and cards from genealogists sharing their appreciation for what they’ve found in GenealogyBank – like this comment we received yesterday: Thanks also for the new additions to the... (Read More)
Genealogies often begin with the comprehensive statement that “the first (insert surname here) to come to America was…”. In our family that would be Captain James Garcelon born in 1739 on the Channel Island, Guernsey, England. However in searching old newspapers you can find the details that just might change family traditions... (Read More)
Patty Barthell Myers died 9 October 2008, at the home of her daughter, Lucy Bonnington. Her obituary (San Antonio Express-News (TX) – October 13, 2008; Philadelphia Inquirer, 13 Oct 2008) simply stated her “life’s work was genealogy.” Well said. She was the author of numerous compiled genealogies and reference works including: Female index to... (Read More)
The first genealogy published in America appeared in a newspaper 284 years ago – today – May 7, 1724. It appeared in the American Weekly Mercury. It was a genealogy of King Philip V of Spain. Genealogy articles routinely appeared in colonial newspapers. The first genealogy published in book form was in 1771... (Read More)
Newspapers are terrific! They give us the real details of our ancestor’s lives. This week I found an article about the estate sale for my first cousin, Thomas Huse (1742/43-1816). It was published in the Newburyport (MA) Herald, 16 July 1816. Everything was being sold – his household effects; a covered sleigh; ox cart,... (Read More)