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Here comes the bride …

Newspaper marriage announcements can give you important clues for your family history.

Boston Journal - 2 May 1877
This one tells us where & when the marriage took place; the name of the minister;
the names of the bride & groom and where they were from.


Public Ledger 23 March 1863

This marriage notice from the Public Ledger 23 March 1863 states that Mary A. Middleton was the second daughter of Robert C. Middleton and that Annie M. Smith was the youngest daughter of the late Col. Kenderton Smith.

Boston Journal 12 July 1906

Here is a good example of 4 Generations of a family gathering for a wedding.



Idaho Statesman 28 Oct 1922







And then there is this example of a wedding announcement that includes too much information. (Idaho Statesman 28 Oct 1922).
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