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He Fought at Bunker Hill: Joseph Barnes

Illustration: “The Battle of Bunker Hill,” by Howard Pyle, 1897. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

You can find information about your Revolutionary War veteran ancestors in unexpected places. For example, I discovered the military service of Private Joseph Barnes (1754-1826) by reading about him in his great-grandson’s obituary.

An obituary for Charles Barnes, Boston Herald newspaper article 7 June 1935
Source: GenealogyBank, Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 7 June 1935, page 39

His great-grandson’s obituary (Charles Oliver Barnes 1850-1935) states that “his great-grandfather, Joseph Barnes, fought in the battle of Bunker Hill.”

Private Joseph Barnes served in the 3rd New Hampshire Regiment, in Captain William Walker’s Company.

“The regiment saw action at the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Battles of Saratoga, and the Battle of Newtown. In addition, the 3rd participated in or was present at the Siege of Boston, the Invasion of CanadaValley Forge, and Sullivan’s Expedition.”

— Source: Wikipedia

Genealogy Tip: Sometimes the Revolutionary War service of our ancestors is spiked out in newspaper articles and obituaries written about their descendants. Come search GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives today and see what you can find!

Thank you GenealogyBank!

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