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You Know When They Married – Newspapers Give the Details of What Happened

Illustration: wedding rings

I was searching for the marriage certificate for the wedding of Bessie M. Bryant and Henry L. Fitch – 23 November 1912, St. Albans, Vermont.

screenshot of a FamilySearch web page showing information for the wedding of Bessie M. Bryant and Henry L. Fitch
Source: FamilySearch

I went to FamilySearch and found confirmation of their marriage. That site does not have a copy of the actual wedding certificate – but does have a copy of the index card outlining the facts of the marriage. It gives me the essential who, what, when, where and how.

Could I find out more about their wedding – and about them?

Turning to GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives, I quickly found their wedding announcement and it brings these facts to life.

It was as if I were attending the wedding.

article about the wedding of Bessie M. Bryant and Henry L. Fitch, Saint Albans Daily Messenger newspaper article 25 November 1912
Saint Albans Daily Messenger (Saint Albans, Vermont), 25 November 1912, page 7

This newspaper article gives me more of the facts:

The article also provides these details:

…the bride and groom standing in the archway composed of asparagus ferns and white chrysanthemums.

The bride…was gowned in white chiffon with silver bead trimming, and made over white satin; she wore a veil, fastened with orange blossoms and jasmine, and carried a bouquet of bride roses and lilies-of-the-valley. Her ornament was a string of gold beads, the gift of the groom.

The details of the wedding go on and on in this article.

And so do the newspaper articles about them.

The bride Bessie was mentioned in dozens more newspaper articles that told of her activities or those of her family.

Only newspapers give these details. GenealogyBank is an essential tool in our search to document the lives of our ancestors.

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