Uncovering our family history can reveal saints and sinners as we dig through old newspapers. Genealogists using GenealogyBank become used to finding a scoundrel here and there on the branches of the family tree. But British actress – Patsy Kensit was not prepared for what she discovered while filming a TV show for the... (Read More)
The first genealogy published in America appeared in a newspaper 284 years ago – today – May 7, 1724. It appeared in the American Weekly Mercury. It was a genealogy of King Philip V of Spain. Genealogy articles routinely appeared in colonial newspapers. The first genealogy published in book form was in 1771... (Read More)
For more than two decades Halvor Moorshead has been in the forefront of genealogy. Consistently on target his four publications Family Chronicle, Internet Genealogy, History Magazine and his newest title Discovering Family History are the best in the field. Readable and useful, you save each issue, mark them up and act on the suggestions,... (Read More)
GenealogyBank is off to a great start this month. It added 2.9 Million new records and documents – bringing the collection to well over 216 Million documents – that’s an estimated 1.5 Billion names. GenealogyBank added content for 41 newspapers from 20 States including titles like: Springfield (MA) Republican 1861-1909 Boston Journal (1870-1899)Philadelphia North... (Read More)