The other day I asked myself: what can I realistically find about my relatives in GenealogyBank? How many details about my family can I discover? So I decided to find out by searching GenealogyBank’s historical newspaper archives for a family member we know little about: Madge E. Richmond (1866-1942). Her Career as a Teacher... (Read More)
The “Old Man of the Mountain” was a granite rock formation in the White Mountains of New Hampshire that looked like the rugged profile of a man’s face. First discovered in 1805, the 40-foot-high face had been N.H.’s state emblem since 1945. But centuries of freezing and thawing eventually did the Old Man in.... (Read More)
When I was a kid my grandfather would drive us over to see the old family sites in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. I remember grandpa was quite the storyteller. Every corner had a story attached to it, including the story of Joseph Plummer (1774-1862) of Meredith. Why was that story memorable? Because... (Read More)
Sometime during the next few weeks, as we continue to add new content to our online archives, GenealogyBank will reach a milestone: we will have 1 billion more records than the total we launched our website with five years ago. Wow, that’s a lot of additional genealogy records! I wanted to see what I... (Read More)
OK Team – it’s time to get down to basics and make sure we haven’t missed clues and information that would help us to accurately document our family tree. Welcome to Genealogy Boot Camp: Core training Day 1. Home SourcesOK recruits – you will need the basic equipment. First – get that old laundry... (Read More)
12 genealogists in 7 States have passed away. Baker, Francis J. (1916-2009) News Journal (Mansfield, OH). May 1, 2009 Beeson, Myron. (1926-2009) Salt Lake Tribune (UT). May 3, 2009 Cantwell, Nancy Carolyn McKissack. (1933-2009) Denton Record-Chronicle (TX). May 3, 2009 Clever, Evelyn L. (1910-2009) Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT). May 2, 2009 Davis,... (Read More)
It was six years ago that the Old Man of the Mountain fell. His passing is as deeply felt today as when I heard the shocking news in 2003. It came across as a cable news bulletin. Hikers had heard the awful rumble in the early hours while it was still dark and when... (Read More)