Like many historic cemeteries, the Herrin City Cemetery in Herrin, Illinois, is trying to document all of the persons buried in the cemetery. So far their efforts have uncovered “89 previously unknown burial sites.” Good work! Are you working on a cemetery project this summer? If you are, here’s a cemetery research tip. Genealogy... (Read More)
Introduction: Scott Phillips is a genealogical historian and owner of Onward To Our Past® genealogy services. In this guest blog post, Scott researches old newspapers to find out more about Woodland Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio where many of his relatives are buried. Historical newspapers are incredibly helpful in our genealogy research, especially obituaries that... (Read More)
New Mexico Governor Susan Martinez is pushing to increase the number of federal military cemeteries in her state from two to ten. New Mexico is the fifth largest U.S. state in land mass, with 122,000 square miles. Given the long distances most state residents must travel to visit the two existing federal military cemeteries,... (Read More)