I found this interesting obituary for John Baker (1741-1826). It says that Baker: was a native of Hungary, came to this country with [British General John] Burgoyne, and deserted from his army and joined the Americans, in whose service he continued his aid till the close of the revolution. Is there more to know?... (Read More)
Introduction: Mary Harrell-Sesniak is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background. In this guest blog post, Mary searches old newspapers for articles and ads about trains and locomotives, and discusses how important railroads were in the lives of our ancestors. Trains & Railroads Shaped Early America The importance of train travel... (Read More)
12 genealogists in 7 States have passed away. Baker, Francis J. (1916-2009) News Journal (Mansfield, OH). May 1, 2009 Beeson, Myron. (1926-2009) Salt Lake Tribune (UT). May 3, 2009 Cantwell, Nancy Carolyn McKissack. (1933-2009) Denton Record-Chronicle (TX). May 3, 2009 Clever, Evelyn L. (1910-2009) Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT). May 2, 2009 Davis,... (Read More)
The Genealogy Center of the Allen County Library (Ft. Wyane, IN) has received a $10 million gift from the Edward D. and Ione Auer Foundation. The funds will be given to the library as $1 million payments each year over 10 years. The announcement is in the Ft Wayne News Sentinnel 1 August 2008... (Read More)