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Sharing Genealogy Articles Online, Part I

Illustration: a researcher using a computer

Introduction: In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak gives some tips for finding and sharing genealogy articles from the GenealogyBank Blog. Mary is a genealogist, author, and editor with a strong technology background who has written and collected some of the funniest, quirkiest, or most touching sayings about genealogy that she’s encountered in her career as a family historian. Please attribute this article if sharing.

Every time I read a newly posted comment on an article I wrote for the GenealogyBank Blog years ago, I’m reminded how important our blog is to researchers – and how relevant and useful many of those older articles still are today.

Photo: a graphic about genealogists and blogging

So, when asked to write my annual end-of-the-year piece, I thought: maybe it’s time to remind our readers of some overlooked features of the GenealogyBank Blog that assist in finding and sharing our articles. After all, every genealogist’s New Year’s goal is, in some form or other, learning how to find and save information better!

The GenealogyBank Blog’s Website and Search Engine

Many of you find our genealogy articles on social media, but you can go directly to our blog website and use its search engine – a technique handy for searching specific topics or looking for a previously published blarticle (blog article).

A screenshot of the GenealogyBank Blog showing its search box

To find articles, look for the search box at the right. Enter a target topic and click the magnifying glass icon to proceed.

You can combine the query with a specific blogger by adding a complete or partial name. For example, there are several of my earlier blog articles on the Civil War with timeless tips.

Tip: Try searching using a writer’s partial name. In my case, you could use Harrell or Sesniak instead of Harrell-Sesniak. This search was done using “Sesniak Civil War.”

A screenshot of the GenealogyBank Blog showing a search for Civil War articles written by Mary Harrell-Sesniak

Sharing Articles to Facebook

Now, what can you do to share an article from the GenealogyBank Blog?

Once you’ve opened one for reading, such as my recent article “Christmas Humor of the 19th Century,” click the “share” option on the right. You’ll be prompted to log into Facebook to share that article with friends.

Sharing from Facebook

Of course, if you are on Facebook, you probably know about the GenealogyBank Facebook page where all of our blog articles are shared to our feed. If not, be sure to search and follow us.

But how many of our readers have explored all of the Facebook sharing options? You can share among your friends, to a news feed, share as a text in Messenger, to a group, to a specific page, or even to a friend’s profile (which they will probably have to approve before it appears).

And then there’s the link provided after the “Read the story on the GenealogyBank blog” notice on the Facebook page. That link takes you directly to the full article on our GenealogyBank Blog.

I hope this article has opened up your world of sharing possibilities. Part II, tomorrow, will discuss how to share on other platforms, such as Twitter or Pinterest.

Don’t forget that our blog articles are as timeless as the ever popular GenealogyBank subscription – and if you haven’t already picked up a copy, please consider my book Where There’s a Will, There’s Always a Genealogist, my genealogy humor book available at, Amazon and other online retailers.


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