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Moral of the Story: Use the Right Tool

Illustration: German peasant with scythe, c. 850. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Or – a scythe is not a hoe.

Photo: a scythe. Credit: Richard New Forest; Wikimedia Commons.

When you walk into a hardware store you see rows of different types of hammers, saws and all kinds of handy tools, each one with a different purpose.

According to Wikipedia: “Abraham Maslow said in 1966, ‘I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.’”

I used a scythe to clear hay fields as a kid. I was pretty good at it – with each swing I could cut the grass as close to the ground as I wanted. Within hours, fields that stretched across the property were cleared. These fields had been kept mowed since the days of the Revolutionary War.

I know the sharpness and danger of a scythe, so it’s hard to imagine that this could happen to anyone – but it was reported in 1860 that:

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut), 17 August 1860, page 3

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