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Illustration: “The Cove Mills,” by Lyell Edwin Carr (1854-1912). Source: Facebook.

I was looking at the posts on Facebook about my old hometown – Stamford, Connecticut – and spotted this painting of a scene just a few blocks from my home.

Illustration: “The Cove Mills,” by Lyell Edwin Carr
Illustration: “The Cove Mills,” by Lyell Edwin Carr (1854-1912). Source: Facebook.

I’ve walked past that mill many times heading to the beaches in the Cove section of Stamford. Winter, summer – it didn’t matter. The Cove was where we headed.

Notice the old grist mill stones and oversize gears leaning against the mill. They were still there when I was a kid, just as the artist rendered them in this old painting.

I wanted to learn more about the painting and the artist, so I turned to Google. Interesting – I found no reference to this painting.

Turning to GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives, I searched for the painter and the name of this painting – and quickly found this article.

An article about a painting by Lyell Edwin Carr, Stamford Advocate newspaper article 5 September 1890
Source: GenealogyBank, Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut), 5 September 1890, page 1

That’s interesting – the original name of this painting was “Bass Fishing at the Cove.”

And I agree with the newspaper article’s comment:

“…those who have been at the Cove will at once recognize the resemblance of the picture to the scenery in that neighborhood.”

Thank you GenealogyBank for filling in the details about this painting that was posted to Facebook – that brings back so many memories of growing up in the Cove.

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