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Finding More of Her Story: Mary Elizabeth Bird (1850-1851)

Photo: Common Burying Ground and Island Cemetery in Newport, Rhode Island. Credit: Matt H. Wade.; Wikimedia Commons.

This is the death certificate of the young infant, Mary Elizabeth Bird (1850-1851), who died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, 15 July 1851.

Photo: death certificate for Mary Elizabeth Bird
Source: FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915,” database with images, FamilySearch ( 9 December 2014), Mary Elizabeth Bird, 15 Jul 1851; citing item 1, Philadelphia City Archives and Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; FHL microfilm 1,939,907.

The death certificate is brief and covers the basic facts: her name, partial age, date and cause of her death.

Here is her obituary that appeared the day after her death on Wednesday, 16 July 1851.

An obituary for Mary Elizabeth Bird, Public Ledger newspaper article 16 July 1851
Source:, Public Ledger (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 16 July 1851, page 2

The obituary gives us important additional information:

It is essential that genealogists gather all of the primary sources for their relatives. Having Mary Elizabeth Bird’s death certificate is valuable – and having her detailed obituary gives us more of her story.

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