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Family History: Asking Questions on Veterans Day

Photo: Veterans Day parade in Baltimore, Maryland, 2016. Credit: Elvert Barnes; Wikimedia Commons.

Introduction: In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega urges family historians on Veterans Day to interview their family’s veterans to preserve their stories. Gena is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen.

Pursuing a family history means that you will have regrets. It’s inevitable. Many researchers wish they were interested in genealogy when they were younger. Some lament they didn’t cite their sources when they began their search. One of their biggest regrets is not asking questions of the older generation when they had the chance.

Photo: Joseph Ambrose, an 86-year-old World War I veteran, attends the dedication day parade for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1982
Photo: Joseph Ambrose, an 86-year-old World War I veteran, attends the dedication day parade for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1982. Wearing a doughboy uniform like the ones used during the war, he is holding an American flag. It covered the casket of his son Clement, who was killed in the Korean War. Credit: Department of Defense. Defense Audiovisual Agency; Scene Camera Operator: Mickey Sanborn.

Veterans Day reminds me of one of my genealogy-related regrets. I regret I didn’t interview my dad about his Vietnam-era military service when I had the chance. Yes, we do know some information about that service via his grandsons, who asked questions. I have his DD214. I even have a scrapbook that he kept that includes a few photos he took during his time in the military. But because I, like so many others, wrongly believed there was time, I didn’t ask the questions I should have while he was alive.

Armistice Day/Veterans Day

In the United States, Veterans Day falls on November 11th each year. This date was chosen because World War I ended on 11 November 1918. Originally called Armistice Day, it commemorated that occasion and honored the veterans who served and died in the “Great War.”

An article about Armistice Day, Emporia Gazette newspaper article 10 November 1919
Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), 10 November 1919, page 1

After World War II and the Korean War, it was suggested that the day should honor all veterans, and so it was renamed Veterans Day. Veterans Day honors all those who have served, while Memorial Day honors those who have died in military service.

Evansville Courier and Press (Evansville, Indiana), 8 February 1954, page 5

Ask Questions NOW!

One way to honor that service is to document the lives of our family’s veterans. Take some time to ask a few questions. Go over photographs and scrapbooks. Ask about their experience. It can be intimidating to interview someone about military service if you are not familiar with it, but think of questions you would want to know – such as:

You can prepare for your interview by reviewing online military oral history projects. This also might be an opportunity to not just save the interview for your family, but preserve it for its historical value.

The Time Is Now

Oral histories are an important aspect of preserving our family histories. Don’t spend all your time researching the dead while neglecting to document the story of the living. Veterans Day is the perfect opportunity to take some time and ask questions of the veterans in your family. And if you are the veteran, start writing your story so that others may benefit from it. Future generations will thank you.

Thank you for your service. Happy Veterans Day!

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