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Common French Last Names & Their Meanings, Part I

Photo: the Château de Chenonceau, nowadays part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was built in the early 16th century. Credit: Yvan Lastes; Wikimedia Commons.

France is one of the oldest countries in the world, and French last names reflect this long history. Tracing your last name can help you uncover a rich and detailed family history.

Photo: Paris, France. Credit: Yann Caradec; Wikimedia Commons.

The History of French Names

France may have distinguished itself as revolutionary and pioneering with its ancient legacy, but it was following the trend of the times when it came to naming conventions. The Roman Empire enforced a multiple-name system: first the given name, second the name of the family association that existed within the empire, and finally the nickname, which with time became the surname.

Julius Caesar brought this naming code with him when he conquered Gaul, which encompassed the territory of current France and surrounding countries. Over the centuries, however, this Roman naming convention died away – and by the 10th century, most people only had one name – their “given” name.

Increased population, trading, and travel rendered the single-name model impractical and obsolete. Striking up a deal with five people named “Jean” – with no way of differentiating them – didn’t bode well for business. In the 11th century, people started changing their names by adding a last name to differentiate between people with the same given name.

In 1474, King Louis XI banned this liberty of people being free to add any last name they wanted, forcing all name changes to be vetted by royal decree. King Francois was the next ruler to make big changes in French naming law. In 1539, he enlisted the services of the Church to record the population’s civil status, including their names – creating records that are a boon to modern-day family historians.

The Name as Witness

As is the case with nomenclature across the board, French names provide a record of demographic patterns and historical events. Like newspaper clippings, names are witnesses to the waves of colonization, invasion, migration, and more.

Old French last names can be divided into categories that reflect these different moments in history. Although from different origins, common French last names can have religious, ethnic, or linguistic roots. For example, popular French last names take after Christian saints, but you’ll find plenty of ancient Hebraic origin as well. Latin names testify to the Romans ruling Gaul, before the country later got its name, Francia, Kingdom of the Franks. Other names come from neighboring regions that were disputed and subsumed as late as the 20th century, like the Germanic ones of Alsace and Lorraine.

Popular French Last Names

From Corsican to Catalan, and Basque to Provencal, France brings together one of the most diverse name banks in the world. That being said, some of the most utilized names are not specific to locale – rather, they deal with a trade. Here are the most common French last names and their meanings.

French names have spread as far as the empires and kingdoms of France have reached – and more. Use old newspapers, such as GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives, to trace your family history from immigrants entering Ellis Island to settlers in Louisiana and beyond. Newspapers hold the key to the untold stories of our ancestors.


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