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Can I Date This Photo Using Old Newspapers?

Photo: Walter D. Huse

We have this old family photograph of my grandfather Walter D. Huse (1898-1968) fishing on the “Nubble” at York Beach, Maine.

Photo: Walter D. Huse
Photo: Walter D. Huse. Source: Thomas Jay Kemp.

I wondered if it was possible to date this photo using GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives.

It was routine for newspapers to print news of visitors to the Maine beaches. For example, here is a list of visitors to York Beach in 1909, including all the guests staying at Young’s Hotel.

An article about visitors to York Beach, Maine, Boston Herald newspaper article 5 September 1909
Source: GenealogyBank, Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 5 September 1909, page 21

This second newspaper article, published a year earlier, mentions Walter’s grandparents visiting York Beach, staying at Young’s Hotel. He would have been 10 years old then – he looks younger than that in the photo we have.

Source: GenealogyBank, Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 30 August 1908, page 35

I’ll keep looking to see if I can find a newspaper article of their visiting York Beach, Maine, around 1903 or so – when the photo may have been taken.

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