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101 Genealogy Proverbs: Family Sayings from around the World

Illustration: a logo made from the word “genealogy”

Introduction: In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak presents 101 of the funniest, quirkiest, or most touching proverbs about genealogy that she’s encountered in her career as a family historian. Mary is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background.

Since posting the article 101 Funny Quotes and Sayings for Genealogists on the GenealogyBank Blog, we’ve noticed that family historians share our affinity for quotes—especially ones related to genealogy and family. These genealogy quotes and sayings continue to generate comments and be shared on social media sites such as Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest.

Hopi proverb: "When the grandmothers speak, the earth will be healed."

As a continuation, I’d like to share a special type of quote from around the world: proverbs.

(Proverb: A short pithy saying in frequent and widespread use that expresses a basic truth or practical precept.)

Based in ancient cultures, these adages pass from generation to generation, using metaphors and analogies to instill societal values. Many proverbs are shared among the cultures of the world—but some are unique to individual regions, so if known, the name of the country follows the quote.

No matter where your ancestry originated, I hope you’ll enjoy some of my favorite genealogy-related proverbs.

African Genealogy Proverbs & Sayings

This region has generated more family history proverbs than most, due primary to beliefs regarding ancestors and ancestor worship.

African proverb: "No man can outwit the ancestors."

Asian and Indonesian Genealogy Proverbs & Sayings

European Genealogy Proverbs & Sayings

Middle Eastern Genealogy Proverbs & Sayings

Caribbean, North and South American Genealogy Proverbs

Other Ancestry & Family-Related Proverbs & Sayings

If you have some favorite genealogy-related proverbs, please share them with us in the comments section.

Sites to Research Proverbs:


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